little about me...
I was born in Syracuse, New York and moved
to Florida at the age of four where I
have lived in Sarasota, Florida since.
I graduated from High School in 1993 and
later obtained an Associates in Science
degree in Business Administation, Management
and marketing.
What did you do before modeling?
Actually several things, from waitressing
at Hooters part time, working at an aluminum
company as a a secretary, being an office
manager of an investment company, writing
business plans, and business ventures,
and private investigating. Once I was
finished with the 8 - 5 workday, I decided
to follow my dreams and take a chance
with modeling. Modeling has always been
a dream for me and I have found that the
opportunities of advertising on the internet
is what drove me into full time modeling.
There are a lot of opportunities out there
and the only way to get the word out is
to advertise. Since so many people use
the internet today, I figured, why not
advertise on the internet? I currently
am traveling around the United States
doing different modeling jobs, to places
I never imagined.
Do you have any pets?
I have two cats, Symbra and Tika, and
a dog named Miessen.
What type of modeling do you do?
I do all types of modeling ranging from
print, editorial, calendars, mannequin
modeling, promotions, spokesmodeling,
swimwear, tv, and surrealism as well as
promotions for corporate companies, as
well as nude modeling for Playboy.
How did you get into Playboy?
I am asked this question quite frequently.
Playboy has a website located at www.playboy.com
where they have a section entitled FAQ
- it tells their address and how women
can submit pictures for consideration.
As far as how I got into Playboy, I submitted
some clothed pictures to an agency in
NY and they sent them to some people at
Playboy who liked my look. I received
a call from Playboy, flew to NY, shot
with Gen Nishino and Debbie Mae and was
published in the Playboy's Book of Lingerie
in March/April 1998. Since that time,
I have now been in four more Special Editions
books by Playboy and continue to work
with them.
How did you get into Perfect 10?
I submitted to Perfect 10, back in 1998,
and was rejected. I resubmitted my pictures
in 2001, and now work for the company
on promotions as well as will have a layout
in an upcoming 2001 issue.
How can I become a model?
Many people have a false perception that
models have to be a certain height, weight
or have a certain look. This is not so.
As far as the modeling world goes - different
modeling requires different looks. Being
short does not mean you cannot model.
It means you cannot do runway modeling.
It does not limit you to other types of
modeling. Any person with a unique look,
whether they are short or a certain weight
- can model. I suggest any person who
has an interest, get some snapshots taken,
and send them into agencies or go to castings.
Many photographers on the internet also
will trade time for pictures which means
you can have pictures taken at no charge
if you give them your time. This is the
best way for any person interested in
modeling to get started. It is not necessary
to pay for schools, or pay a large amount
for pictures. It is a long process, but
if you are dedicated to becoming a model,
then you must try before you can see any
success. I also am helping new models
by now promoting them on my site at no
charge, so if you are interested in being
represented, please send me an email and
I will see if I can help.
Can I get an autographed picture?
I am happy to send autographed pictures
out to anyone who requests them for a
charge of $15 - which includes shipping
and handling. I usually try to have them
to you within 2 - 3 weeks as sometimes
it is hard since I travel quite frequently.
Please send money orders only, personal
checks will be returned due to previous
experience with bounced checks.
What is your favorite movie?
The Perfect Murder, City of Angels, and
The Matrix (have to love any movie that
has to do with computers).
What is your least favorite movie?
The Blair Witch Project, made me motion
What is your sign?
Sagittarius - December, Chinese sign is
the Rabbit (go figure).
Words to live by...
Attitude is a little thing that makes
a big difference!!
My turn ons...
Candlelight, massages, and Samoas Girl
Scout Cookies - yummy!!
Favorite perfume?
L'eau par Kenzo - found it in Paris -
and Paris only...
What do you love most about modeling?
Being able to make an expression without
words. After all, a picture is worth a
thousand words..
What do you do for fun?
Snowboard, kickboxing, surf, rollerblade,
and I am the webmistress for my websites,
my members site is http://www.LookingAtYou.com
- which takes up a lot of my time.
As a kid what were you like?
I was actually a tomboy (there is still
a lot in me today) ... I liked to climb
trees, I did gymnastics, karate...played
in the mud. When I got a little older,
I began playing the flute which I did
for 7 years, and played volleyball, where
I went on to play USVBA (United States
Volleyball Association) which is a love
of mine but due to problems with my wrists,
I had to stop. All my friends were guys
back then, and still continue to be to
this day. There seems to be a lot of jealousy
and cattiness in women, which I do not
Who is your favorite model and why?
I would have to say that after browsing
the internet now for almost a year, it
would be many of the girls out there.
I like their styles, the way they have
their sites designed, and the difference
in everyone's site and appearance. Most
of us network together and are really
good friends who can rely on each other
for advice or news about someone we should
not be working with....
Do you do anything besides modeling?
Right now, modeling is a full time job
for me, as well as keeping up with my
websites. I travel all across the United
States right now, as well as to the Caribbean
for jobs, and am rarely home. When I am
home, I am working on my websites, contacts
for new jobs, and scheduling. I enjoy
snowboarding but there is no snow near
me, so when I need to take out frustrations
I go to kickboxing.