Catalog Cover 2001 Perfect 10 Magazine-
Issue date TBA late 2001 Street Racing
Magazine cover & Layout - 2001 Robert
Farber's Natural Beauties Publication
- 2001 The X Show - FX Networks Playboy's
Pen Pals - Feb 2001 AVN Magazine Review
- Jan. 2001 Playboy's Rouze Playboy's
Girlfriends June 2000 E! TV "Wild on Jamaica"
E! TV "Wild on Resorts" E! TV "Wild on
Hedonism" E! TV "Wild on the Tropics"
Rouze Media The Beat Music Magazine -
9/1999 issue Men's Quarter Magazine -
September 1999 Playboy's Especial Lenceria
- July 1999 Bonifay Skiwear - July 1999
Sandrine Lingerie Catalog Wellcraft Boats
Catalog Playboy's Book of Lingerie - Sept/Oct
1998 Playboy's Book of Lingerie - March/April
Blue Parrot
The Girls of Hit the Beach
National Advertising Promotions/Campaigns:
Rouze/Playboy @WMC - Mar 2000 Coppertone
(Spring Break 1999) Malibu Rum (Spring
Break 1999) Anheuser Busch (Budweiser
Girl 1997-2000) Caddy Girls Cruise 2000
Swimsuit Show - 9/1999 Bond Girl - Hollywood
20 Promotions
Miss Internet World
2000 Winner Miss Hit the Beach 2000 People's
Choice Winner Miss Suncoast Offshore 1999
finalist Miss Model Beauty Pagaent finalist
Castrol Oil 2001 Thunder & Lightning Angels
of the New Millennia Calendar Ms. Hit
the Beach 2000 American Girls Calendar
Kiss FM (LA) Perfect
10 promotion The Ron and Fez Show (New
Jersey) WYNF 107.9 Jeff Blazey (Sarasota,
Florida) WYNF 107.9 Jeff Zito (Sarasota,
Florida) The Bear (New Jersey)