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:// models // Mikyla

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H My life started in Newport Beach California on December 27 yes-- two days after Christmas. Boy what a joyous present I was!!

As a child, I was very close to my family and we went on many trips together-until I was "to cool" to travel with them. I spent most of my childhood at the beach, which was very close to my house. I also enjoyed gymnastics, piano, baton twirling, tennis, dance and ballet. When I was 12 years old I started modeling for some local stores. Then as I started high school I modeled for Seventeen Magazine, YM magazine, and Nordstrom. I loved modeling from the very first time I did it but I knew that getting an education was very important so I opted to take modeling jobs only in the United States until I finished high school. I was a pretty shy and mischievous kid until I started high school, then I was only mischievous! I was very involved with the tennis team where as most of my friends were cheerleaders-I was to uncoordinated to make it-trust me!! Most of my high school years were spent cruising Balboa Beach in our convertibles, trying to look older, shopping for the perfect outfit and going to all the school dances. I also had a lot of guy friends because I love cars, and really enjoy doing "guy" things like ATV riding, skiing and water-skiing. Despite all the partying I still managed to graduate with a 3.8 gpa and was accepted into UC Irvine and UC Santa Barbara. Santa Barbara was too far from L.A and Irvine ended up looking very "sterile" when I took a tour after I was accepted so, I opted to go to a junior college for two years. That ended up being a good decision because I landed a modeling job for Tecate Beer and had to go to Mexico City every weekend to sign posters. That was a very stressful and very interesting time for me because I was taking 21 units and was out of town from Thursday until Monday every week. After about two years there I transferred to UCLA.I had the best time going to school there. I ended up partying more days than not -I really don't know how I did it. In addition to going to school I modeled for Fredericks of Hollywood and many other calendars and posters. Fredericks kept me very busy with their fittings, catalog shoots, calendar signing, and appearances on talk shows. After two years at UCLA I graduated with a degree in Clinical Psychology. For the next couple of years I modeled all over the world and when I was in town I did therapy with schizophrenic homeless women, and autistic children. After a year of no school I really missed it-strange as it may sound so, I applied and was accepted to Pepperdine University. I really think that being in school helps me balance out my life I went to school at night while I continued modeling during the day. It was hard to balance when I had to travel but my teachers understood. I graduated with a Masters degree in Clinical Psychology. I am currently seeing high-functioning clients at a clinic that I am an intern at and just started my doctorial program in Clinical Psychology. So soon you will be calling my Dr. Mikyla!! Recently I was given a chance to combine both of my worlds with my own segment for a year on the X-show called "Are you sick? With Dr. Mikyla." I have also been busy doing skits on The Jay Leno show, A miller Beer Campaign shooting over 100 calendars and posters and 3 national commercials (Dr. Pepper, Starburst, and Round Table Pizza). I am currently working on trying to get radio advice show as a sexy "psychologist"..keep your fingers crossed and remember to live each day to its fullest!!

Kisses, Mikyla