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Click on any of the letters below to see the model's (p)ortfolio, (c)ontact information,
(b)iography, (a)ppearances, (r)esume,
and (s)tatistics.
     I grew up in a very small town in Indiana. Corn fields were everywhere and people are very conservative. I am the type of person who believes give it your all or give it nothing. I think that if there is something you want, then go for it. What do you have to lose, since you didn't have it before you tried. I am very determined and hard working. I grew up in a family where if you worked for something, then you would appreciate it more & I still believe that.

     When I was little I loved the camera and always posed in front of it as a child. I never would have thought that I would be a model. At the age of 20 in 1999 I was pressured by my friends to enter a bikini contest, I was shocked when I won. Everyone told me that I should be a model, so I gave it a shot. I started up darion.net in August 99 and was very shocked of the outcome. After less than 1 month of my site being online I received my 1st publication and now after 8 months of darion.net my photos are everywhere. I felt very overwhelmed by all of the attention I was getting, since I think of myself as a normal girl. I never would have guessed that I would have fans. I go into a store and I have people yelling out Darion and asking for my autograph. That is a very special thing for me and I doubt that I will ever get tired of it.